Rihan Laehvalevha (The Shadow of Romulus)

Created by Niyahra Riohn on Monday September 14th, 2020 @ 8:08pm

Rihan Laehvalevha (The Shadow of Romulus) is a Reman guerrilla group labeled as terrorists by the Dominion and Klingon Empire. Officially disavowed by the Romulan Star Empire as a renegade splinter group, they nevertheless operate with only token interference from the Galae. Operating out of the Bassen Rift, a region of space between Romulus and the Romulan Neutral Zone, they use electromagnetic distortions from the gases in the region to avoid tracking or detection. The Rift also interfers with all long-range communications, making contact with outside vessels impossible so that any ship that enters cannot send coordinates or any other message to anyone outside,

The group is said to be lead by a human called Shinzon. Little is (officially) known about him beyond the fact that he rose from slavery in the dilithium mines on Remus to commanding Reman troops during battles against Klingon aggression and later against the Borg. He was instrumental in evacuating Remans ahead of an expected Dominion invasion, and after that resulted in the complete loss of both homeworlds in the Hobus supernova, he, along with a Reman with unusually strong telepathic powers, known only to the outside world as Viceroy, founded a paramilitary to protect the Reman people and exact vengeance on the Dominion and their allies in the Klingon Empire.

Shinzon is said to suffer from a fatal genetic abnormality, and after learning that the only genetically compatible human that might provide a cure had died in the Dominion War, he committed himself even more to the fight, leading daring surprise raids with his ship, the Scimitar, a massive, heavily-armed Reman warbird with a large complement of Scorpion-class attack fighters.

Categories: Organisations